
we provide a comprehensive answer to the issues you face.

AV Service Specialist

Audio Visual Installation & Integration Services

From plug-and-play meeting rooms to event spaces with expansive capabilities, Inmedia is a full-service provider of integrated audio visual solutions for presentation, collaboration and unified communications. We eliminate end-user uncertainty by designing for ease-of-use and implementing global AV standards across the enterprise.

Command Center

Command Center Services represent the pinnacle of operational control and real-time monitoring. Our expert team, armed with advanced technology and meticulous protocols, offers unwavering vigilance to safeguard your critical operations.

Smart Meeting Room

INMEDIA ensures your meetings are not only efficient but also impressive, with seamless connectivity and a professional atmosphere. Trust us to craft the ideal Smart Meeting Room that elevates your corporate interactions to the highest level.

Digital Signage

Our Digital Signage Installation Service offers a strategic and turnkey approach to enhance your visual communication and branding efforts. We excel in crafting compelling and adaptable digital signage solutions that make a lasting impression.


Our Auditorium Audio-Visual System Service is the ultimate solution for transforming your auditorium into a state-of-the-art facility that seamlessly combines audio and visual elements for impactful presentations and performances.

Paging/Public Adress

Elevating Communication Excellence with our Paging System and Public Address Services. Tailored to meet the diverse needs of industries and institutions, our solutions redefine the way information is disseminated and received.

Background Music

Background Music System is an audio system that plays music in an area with certain content, characteristics and volume / sound levels to influence human behavioral and emotional responses such as relaxation, concentration and other positive atmospheres.

Information Technology

We partner with clients to drive business outcomes by creating agile technology infrastructures, developing information into meaningful data, and driving intelligence into the network. We are uniquely positioned to facilitate your digital transformation leveraging our IT expertise and deep experience in multiple technical specialties.


Unified Communications and Collaboration

Our Clients

During our work we created projects for dozens of individuals and corporate clients. We are proud to create projects for such respected companies!

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